Wednesday 2 December 2020

Palindrome Without User Interaction

Write a Java Program to Check Whether a Number is Palindrome or Not Without User Interaction  
public class ArrayPalindromeWithoutUserInteraction 
	public static void main(String[] args) 
	int arrNumbers[] = new int[] {1441, 65, 22, 87, 121, 96358, 159951};	
	System.out.println("Array is\n{1441, 65, 22, 87, 121, 96358, 159951}");
	for(int i=0 ; i<arrNumbers.length;i++)
		int n = arrNumbers[i];
		int reverseN = 0;
		int reminde=0;				
			reminde =n%10;
		System.out.println("\n"+arrNumbers[i]+ "  is pallindrome" );
		System.out.println("\n"+arrNumbers[i]+ "  is  not a pallindrome");

Array is
{1441, 65, 22, 87, 121, 96358, 159951}

1441  is pallindrome

65  is  not a pallindrome

22  is pallindrome

87  is  not a pallindrome

121  is pallindrome

96358  is  not a pallindrome

159951  is pallindrome

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Pattern 31 & 32