Monday 17 August 2020



#Program to Print alphabet 'C'  in Star Pattern

Expected Output:

   * * * *
   * * * *

Code in Java:

public class Cpattern {
void C(){
for(int i=1; i<=5; i++)//Outer loop for number of rows
for(int j=1; j<=5;j++)//inner loop for number of columns
//if condition to print the C pattern Stars
if((i==1&&(j>1)||i==5&&(j>1))||(j==1 && (i!=1&&i!=5)))
System.out.print("*");//printing stars
System.out.print(" ");//printing white spaces
System.out.println();//printing newline after each row
public static void main(String[] args) {
Cpattern obj=new Cpattern();

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Pattern 31 & 32